Fabien Fulchiron's profile

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

The Grand Opening - - - - -

With fireworks exploding from the top of Hogwarts, and all manner of Harry Potter faces and celebs visiting the site, the launch of the new theme park at Universal Studios was as magical (sorry!).

Here is the official video:

The Process - - - - -

Here are a few images of the content we've created, and how we've made it.

We had a lot of fun creating these crests and doing this in & out animation. The process was kind of simple, using a simple animated texture to emit smoke (TurbulenceFD) and particles (Xparticles).

Live photos - - - - - 

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter


The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

The grand opening ceremony of the new theme park at Universal Studios.
